Binary Options Strategy: Forekast

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A clear forecast is the key to successful binary trading. But, despite the wide choice of strategies for binary options, it is still difficult to find a system that would clearly work on absolutely all underlying assets.

Forekast strategy is a multi-system approach based on clear signals from indicators that bring up to 90% profitable contracts.

At the same time, the strategy is equally effective on various types of assets and demonstrates high stability under different market conditions for trading binary options.

Technical requirements of the strategy

The use of indicator strategies implies the availability of all the necessary technical means on the trading platform. In terms of equipping with indicators, terminals for binary options can be considered imperfect.

However, there are trading platforms on the market that meet all the requirements of technical equipment. A striking example is the trading platform of a broker FinMax. Its trading software is characterized by stability, high speed and high-quality technical means.

Also Broker FinMax offers clients trading conditions that not only allow them to start trading with a minimum amount of investment, but also start trading even without knowledge - using free signals!

The Forekast binary options strategy was successfully tested on the trading platform and showed good results.

To set up the strategy template, we need to apply the following indicators to the trading chart:

  • Classic Alligator
  • MACD indicator
  • RSI indicator

We install all indicators on the chart with standard settings. As a result of such settings, the trading chart should receive the following markup:


The main indicator of the strategy is the Alligator, and two oscillators act as insurance funds.

The secondary signals of the MACD and RSI indicators confirm the main trading signal and allow you to make a profit on binary options with a higher probability.

It is this combination of strategy indicators that makes it effective.

Trading signals by strategy: Forekast

To buy a binary option UP, you need to receive the following signals from the strategy indicators:

1. Primary - different periodic lines of the Alligator indicator crossed with the upward direction
2. Secondary - the RSI indicator's moving crossed the overbought level from the bottom up, on the MACD indicator the oscillator's movings diverged from each other and crossed the zero level of the scale upwards

The main and confirming signals of the strategy indicators are identified, we draw up a contract with the UP option:


To execute a DOWN binary option, you need to receive the following signals from the strategy indicators:

1. Primary - different periodic lines of the Alligator indicator crossed with the downward direction
2. Secondary - the RSI indicator moving crossed the oversold level from the top down, on the MACD indicator the oscillator movings diverged from each other and crossed the zero level of the scale down

The main and confirming signals of the strategy indicators are identified, we draw up a contract with the DOWN option:


As you can see, we get the direction of the trend movement from the Alligator, and auxiliary oscillators provide information about the strength of the trend and its duration.

In this format, the forecast has the highest degree of efficiency and brings a consistently profitable result of binary options trading.

When testing the strategy for binary options trading capital increased by an average of 50% per day.

Such high efficiency rates allow you to quickly achieve high results.

Contract expiration

According to this indicator, this strategy can be classified as high-frequency, since it is necessary to use short-term options with an expiration of up to 180 seconds for trading. Such a period allows you to get guaranteed profitable positions.

Money management

The Forekast binary options strategy, as already mentioned, is highly effective, as well as a fairly high recovery rate.

For this reason, in the presence of large trading capital, the risk level can be set at the level of 5% of the total amount of funds.

At the testing stages or when trading on minimum trading deposits, for example, as with a broker FinMax $100, you must use contracts with a minimum available value of 5$.

Thus, a trading strategy, combined with the right approach to financial management, will give good capital growth.

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