Anex-finance is a SCAM. Real reviews. Examination

Anex-finance reviews scam
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Today's guest of our review was the domestic company Anex-finance. The broker offers very favorable conditions for cooperation and guarantees complete security of investments. Fresh giving yes hard to believe. It is difficult to remember how many such beautiful stories we had to meet and how many of them turned out to be a blatant deception. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, let's analyze in order all aspects of the activities of the organization represented and find out who we are actually dealing with.

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anex-finance. General information

Broker's main website:

Trustorg rating:

Anex-finance reviews scam
Trust in the network

Site analysis

The official site of Anex-finance really looks quite promising: easy navigation, clear interface, simple design without unnecessary details. But this is only at first glance. In reality, this is all a sham screen created to divert eyes. Any more or less experienced trader will immediately see that the site in question was created according to a primitive and very hackneyed pattern. Minimal funds were invested in the web resource, this somehow does not fit in with the stories about an international-class broker who turns back millions of dollars every day. Someone may say that we work on behalf of competitors and express only our superficial opinion. Therefore, below is a screenshot of checking the site of our new friends using a specialized service. As you can see, the portal was valued at only 47 rubles. Its coverage and indexing in search engines is minimal.

Anex-finance reviews scam
Site rating

As for the information content, these comrades do not skimp on words. That's just the vast majority of information is presented by listing the benefits and facts that cannot be verified. Everything that can be somehow verified does not stand up to even the simplest criticism, but more on that later.

During the analysis, we managed to find out another interesting fact regarding the Anex-finance resource. Several dozens of various projects hang on his IP-address. How they are connected with our hero is not clear, but some of them were once accused of fraud and successfully closed. So there is every reason to believe that we are dealing with serial crooks.

Anex-finance reviews scam

Expertise of legal information, licenses Anex-finance

To begin with, let's look at the legend of the company, its owners approached it with great enthusiasm. According to information from the site, the basis for the creation of a broker was laid back in 2005, they say, then they began obtaining licenses and legal registration of the organization. The first clients started trading on the platform in 2006. Also on their web resource Anex-finance publishes numerous awards, stories about an experienced management team, international mediation and lofty goals. That's just during the search for information about the organization represented, we were faced with its almost complete absence. No one has ever heard of such a successful project, and its closest mentions date back only to 2022. We decided to check the age of the company using the Whois service and found out that its real date of appearance is 04/01/2022. That is, all the benefits and tales of an impressive experience are a blatant lie that has nothing to do with reality.

Anex-finance reviews scam
Domain age

Broker contact details consist of address, email, feedback form, phone number and Skype channel. On all our attempts to get through and finish the "24-hour support service" did not answer. The specified address leads to an office center in the center of St. Petersburg, we were unable to determine in which part of it Anex-finance is located.

On the broker's website, a whole section is allocated for documentation. It contains scanned copies of various certificates, permits, licenses - in general, a complete package. The company is trying to assure its customers that it is working closely with the main domestic regulator represented by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Its registries are in the public domain, so it is not difficult to check them. What do we see in them, right, nothing! According to the specified OGRN and TIN, no organizations are listed. Moreover, Anex-finance is completely blacklisted by the Central Bank. We think comments here will be redundant.

Anex-finance reviews scam
Registers of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

Features of the work of Anex-finance. Tools and conditions for traders

The broker offers its clients cooperation in the form of trust management. That is, an experienced trader opens an account, transfers personal funds to it and starts trading on Forex. The system automatically analyzes transactions and determines the manager's position in the rating. The manager creates a public offer agreement, specifies the terms of cooperation for investors: commission, minimum investment, etc. The investor studies the rating and chooses a manager.

For work, users are offered 6 types of ready-made trading accounts:

  • Mini;
  • classic;
  • standard;
  • Premium;
  • auto;
  • vip.
Anex-finance reviews scam

The minimum deposit starts at $1,000. Daily profit, depending on the chosen plan, varies from 0.8 to 3 percent.

The platform also provides a calculator for calculating profits, a bonus system and an extended referral program. Depending on the level of the referral, the profit from his income can be 5-20%.

Real customer reviews Anex-finance

Even here you can feel the thorough approach of scammers. There are practically no reviews on the network about the activities of Anex-finance. But on many sites, the broker has a fairly high level of trust, of course, that it is paid. Rogues clean up all unwanted information about themselves and try to keep their reputation clean. However, whatever one may say, the truth sooner or later comes to the surface.

Anex-finance reviews scam

If you have become victims of Anex-finance scams, leave comments under this article. Perhaps it is your review that will save someone from losing money.

Anex-finance user fraud scheme

The scheme by which Anex-finance scams its clients is quite simple. Users are attracted through advertising on various platforms and social networks. Having become interested in the project, they contact the managers and they easily convince them of their efficiency. Then the victim invests money in the project and begins to expect the promised income. In the minimum deposit, the investment period is as much as 180 days. During this time, naive onlookers will draw a small profit, and after the expiration of the contract, they will simply stop communicating with them. Simple and beautiful.


There is only one conclusion here, Anex-finance is another "scam". All the experience and reliability of the company crumbles to dust after a few simple checks. These comrades work illegally and are not regulated by anyone. Any cooperation with them will not result in anything other than large financial losses. Keep your money away from these scam projects.

If you have become a victim of Anex-finance or other black brokers and want to get your investment back, leave your mail in the form at the beginning of the article. We will send you a step-by-step, illustrated plan of action to take.

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